The venue and surrounding area has very limited resources when it comes to food. Also note that Quill’s Canteen and Hazel's will add on a gratuity fee of 18% for all bills. Please bring any food or supplies you can to sustain yourself throughout your con experience. Additional supplies can be bought at the General store marked #18, and the Pitstop marked #17 on the map
From the moment you show up, you might feel a little overloaded. Relax!
Make sure to check in with the staff and get yourself situated wherever you are staying for the con. Then, be sure to check out the schedule so you can see where to join the fun! You should always follow the two golden rules to surviving and having fun at a convention:
The most important thing, though, is to have fun! Go out of your way to talk to others. Attend events you hadn't planned on attending. Check out what the vendors have to offer in the Dealer's Den!
There's no need to feel uncomfortable around all the big costume animal characters, known as fursuiters, who will be wandering around the convention. Feel free to go up to them and say “Hi” "but remember the colored lanyards" RED means they would like to keep distance between others, YELLOW means avoid contact but willing to chat, GREEN means they are happy to talk and discuss a hug. Please be respectful of the colors and follow the wishes of others. Be sure to share fursuit pictures on social media.
Furry Takeover is an all-volunteer effort. No staff member, from the CEO down, earns any income from the convention and in fact, many spend their own money to be there working during the weekend. Be nice to them, and they will return the favor! Have a sense of humor during the weekend!
We can't stress enough the importance of getting enough sleep, eating good meals, and drinking lots of water. Failure to do these things will weaken your immune system, leaving you susceptible to illnesses. You don't want to feel bad while at a convention, so remember to take care of yourself!