•150 FPS cap. A chronograph will present to check blasters if needed; if you're unsure whether your blaster is over the cap please reach out beforehand.
•A limited number of loaner blasters are available.
•Everyone playing is required to wear some form of eye protection. Safety glasses will be provided; if you wear glasses normally something to protect the sides of your eyes is strongly encouraged. Fursuit heads do count for eye protection so long as your eyes are well covered. If your eye holes aren't rigid, like buckram or something, it is strongly encouraged to wear eye protection underneath.
•We will provide full-length and half-length darts for anyone to use. Everyone is encouraged to use the community ammo - if you decide to bring your ammo please be aware you may not get it back.
•Blasters must be predominantly brightly colored and have a clearly visible orange tip. It must be clear what you're holding is a toy.
•Hits to blasters and gear DO count. Be a good sport, call your hits!
•Homemade darts and hard tipped darts such as FVJs and FVNs are prohibited.
•Nerf Hyper blasters and ammo are STRICTLY PROHIBITED. The rounds are difficult to find and near impossible to clean up.
•All players are required to dart sweep at the end of the war! If you plan on firing darts, be prepared to pick them up!
•As a safety precaution for the con, no shields or melee allowed. This is a no-contact sport.
•For rounds involving limited lives, we will be using the 3:15 rule.
~The 3:15 rule~
You start out with 3 lives. If you are hit anywhere on your body, gear, or blaster you: 1. Raise your hand / blaster in the air. 2. Count out loud to 15. 3. Walk back towards your team or the closest cover. When you get to 15, you yell "Clear!" To signal you have respawned back into the game. Once you're hit three times, you are out for that round and will head back to the staging area until the round is complete.
•For rounds with unlimited lives, you just need to walk back to your team's respawn point and tag it to respawn.
•If you have any questions regarding blasters or rules, please feel free to reach out to @TwiggytheDragon on Telegram or other con staff on site.
•Have fun!